Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (2024)

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This is a word tile game inspired by Scrabble. Create words that read left to right, crossword style, against a computer opponent.

  • The longer your words (and the more words you make in one turn), the higher your score.
  • Get bonuses each time you start a word on a bonus square.
  • Words with rare letters are worth more points.


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Play Wordmeister Word Game Online

Children and parents can play this word maker game by clicking in the window below.

Alternatively kids and adults can play this letter scramble word making video game for free as a web application here.

Wordmeister Letter Tile Game Play Instructions

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (23)

How to Play

This is a turn-based tile laying game played against a computer player. Lay down tiles to form words. The longer the word formed (or the rarer the letters used), the higher your score.

  • Starting the Game
    • Select the play button in the middle of the welcome screen to begin.
    • Choose among 8 avatars (4 male and 4 female) to represent you in the game.
    • Before the game begins, select if you want to play the tutorial or if you want to play right away.
  • Game Controls
    • Desktop
      • Using your mouse, left click to select and drag.
    • Touchscreen devices
      • Use your fingers as a mouse.
    • This game has a full screen button in the upper left corner.
      • Once you start the game this converts into a pause button. Refresh the page to play in full screen mode if you prefer.
    • The lower left corner shows how many letter tiles remain, offers a tutorial button, and offers a button to shuffle the tiles on your hand.
    • The upper right corner offers a sound control button and shows the current scores you and your competitor have.
    • The lower right corner offers buttons to play, swap tiles, or skip your turn.
      • You can swap an unlimited number of tiles provided there are still tiles remaining in the tile bag, however you lose your turn when you swap tiles.
  • Game Play
    • Game Interface
      • Pre-game options
        • Select the enlarge button on the upper left corner to toggle full screen mode.
        • To toggle the game’s music, select the sound button on the upper right corner.
        • Once you begin the game, you cannot enter full
      • In-game options
        • Select the pause button on the upper left corner to open the pause menu.
          • Selecting Continue will return you to the game.
          • To start a new game, select Replay.
          • Select Home to return to the welcome screen.
        • Left side
          • On the center left corner is a counter showing how many tiles are left in the bag.
          • Below it is the tutorial button.
          • At the bottom is the shuffle button. Use this to change the order of the letter tiles at random.
        • Right side
          • The center left corner shows the game panel, which outlines the moves made by you and the computer player.
          • The lower left has three buttons:
            • Play ends your turn after deploying a word. It will only work if you laid down a valid word.
            • Swap ends your turn and lets you switch out one letter tile for another.
            • Skip lets you end the turn without deploying a word.
    • Game Board
      • You start with a 15 x 15 space game board.
      • A key difference between this game and Scrabble is the arrangement of the bonus squares.
        • In traditional Scrabble, the bonuses intersect at the center, forming rays that move outward from the central point.
        • The bonus squares in Wordmeister do not intersect the center and form a diamond pattern around the board.
      • Wordmeister uses 8 tiles in the rack.
    • Basic concept
      • The game is a single-player game where you play against the computer.
      • The rules of the game are inspired by the classic game Scrabble.
        • Using the 8 available tiles, form words crossword-style anywhere on the game board starting from the center.
          • Each new word made must connect to any previous tile.
          • To count, each word formed must be considered valid by the games built-in dictionary.
            • Brand names like Sony and personal names like Roy are often not considered valid.
            • Some country names like Peru are also not considered valid.
        • While you can form two words in a single turn, you can only do so in a single line.
          • Often, these new words will be 2- or 3-letter words.
        • You can form words horizontally or vertically.
        • You can only lay tiles in a single direction in each turn.
      • Opening moves
        • The game will select the starting player from a random draw of tiles. The player with the tile earlier in alphabet will start the game.
        • The first player must lay the tiles at the center.
          • The first word deployed must have one tile covering the square at the very center.
      • End game
        • Keep playing until you run out of valid words to create or you run out of tiles to deploy.
        • If you and the computer skip twice, the game ends.
          • The game will deduct the point value of the remaining tiles in your deck from your final score.
          • If you clear all your tiles, the rival player alone gets the deduction.
        • Whoever has the highest score at the end wins the game.
    • Scoring
      • Each word is worth the sum of the value of its tiles.
        • The value of each tile can be seen on its lower right corner.
          • Common letters have values of 1, while less common letters are valued at 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
          • The most uncommon letters have the highest values when used in words.
          • Blank tiles have no points associated with them but can be converted to any letter.
        • Players can add to words and reap the score from the tiles already in place.
        • If players form several words at once, their score from that turn will be based on the number of words formed.
        • Pluralized words and words in the past tense count as valid words.
      • Bonus spaces add to your score.
        • They either multiply the value of the sentence or the value of the word formed.
          • Blue spaces: double letter score
          • Green spaces: triple letter score
          • Yellow spaces: double word score
          • Red spaces: triple word score
        • Bonus spaces can only be used once.
        • The center star itself provides an opening double word score for the player who goes first.
        • Bonuses are multiplicative. For example, the word CAROUSEL is worth 10 points, but if it spans across 2 different yellow blocks it would be worth 40 (10 * 2 * 2) points.
      • Score deductions
        • When the game ends any tiles you have remaining in your hand are deducted from your score.
        • The same is true for your opponent.
  • Strategy
    • General tips
      • Go for longer words whenever you can.
        • Deploying more tiles lets you refresh your deck faster without skipping a turn.
        • The more letters you draw, the fewer letters your opponents can use.
      • Alternately, hold on to as many crucial letters as you can while deploying common ones early on.
      • Use blank tiles sparingly, preferably for words that use between 7-8 tiles.
      • Form words as close as you can to high-value tiles or on top of bonus squares.
      • Expand your vocabulary.
        • Many loanwords to English are considered valid and can be useful in playing high-value letter tiles.
        • No-vowel and all-vowel words are especially important.
    • Opening moves
      • Whenever possible, deploy higher scoring words early on in the game.
      • Plan your game to move toward bonus spaces.
      • Do not discard tiles unless you have to.
    • Prefixes, suffixes, and hooks
      • Pluralized words, past tense words, comparative adjectives, and present participles are valid in the game.
      • Create openings for longer words by saving letters used in common prefixes and suffixes.
        • Save the letters I, N, G, E, and D to make this happen.
        • Common suffixes are -S, -D, -ING, -ED, and -ER.
        • Common prefixes are RE-, UN-, IN-, and DE-.
        • Note that some of these words are valid for use in word games.
      • S offers the greatest flexibility in creating new words in one moves. You can create an entirely new word while pluralizing another.
        • A move like this can net you a large amount of points in a single turn.
        • Use the S wisely. You only have 4 of them in every set.
      • Be aware of “hooks,” single letters that can be used to alter words.
        • Unlike suffixes and prefixes, hooks change the entire word in one move.
        • Some hooks involve higher-value letters like Y.
        • Strategically, hooks can be used to complicate your opponent’s ability to create new words from those already in play.
    • Really short words
      • Learn as many short, valid words as you can.
      • Words comprising 2 or 3 letters can provide you with a strategic advantage in the game.
      • They can be used to great effect when filling gaps between words.
      • In the right circ*mstances, you can spell out one word that creates several short words at once.
      • Some words that count are as follows:
        • Spelled out Latin and Greek letters: Zee, Chi, Xi
        • Expressions: Oh, Uhm, Ha
        • Loanwords: Qi
    • Swapping Tiles
      • If you are struggling to play tiles you can swap many out at once on a single turn, though you will lose the turn.
      • There is value in swapping out tiles to enable a dramatically longer & higher scoring word instead of being stuck laying a series of 2 or 3 letter words because you have many of a single letter in your hand.
    • Blank tiles
      • If you are given a blank tile you can convert it to any letter in the alphabet.
      • That tile itself will be worth zero points when laid, but if you can use it to make a difficult word or complete multiple words at the same time you can score a lot of points with it.
      • Try to save the blank tile toward the end of the game and only use it earlier if you see a chance to score in excess of 20 points on a turn.
    • Defensive & Offensive Strategy
      • Be careful with allowing red squares to come into play by leaving new letters near them as an opposing player who makes even a short word can score dozens of points when their word is easy to be multiplied by 3.
      • Look out for leaving easy word extensions for the opposing players. Rather than trying to play the core word and then play back an extension of it you might expect them to have the suffix and either not want to play the core word or wait until you can lay the extended word.
      • If an opposing player can not make a move and you still can then you can try to make moves which recreate the same opportunities. For example, if they are unable to play off an E at the end of a word and you can make the word EVE then you end up with a similar playing field after laying the word.
      • When there are not many tiles left in the bag if you are stuck with some hard to lay letters like X you may want to swap them out so your competitor gets them.
    • Playing Q
      • Q is the hardest letter to use as most words with Q often require a U to go after it.
      • Take advantage of valid words where Q does not follow U. Most of these words are loanwords from other languages:
        • Phoenician: Qoph
        • Persian: Qanat
        • Arabic: Qat, Qadi, Qaid, Faqir
        • Chinese: Qi
        • Hebrew: Qabalah, Sheqel
        • Zulu: Mbaqanga
        • Albanian: Qintar/Qindar
        • English: Qwerty, Tranq
      • An acronym like IQ is not a valid move.
  • Target Audience
    • This word game is suited for all audiences and for fans of word games.
    • While the game itself has no adult content, some words considered obscenities are considered valid.

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Free Online Scrabble-Inspired Word Video Game Screenshots

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (25)

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (26)

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (27)

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (28)

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (29)

Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (30)

Mobile Friendly Cross Browser Support

This game is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, so it offers cross-device gameplay. You can play it on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. This game works in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

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Play Wordmeister Game: Free Online Unblocked Scrabble Inspired Letter Tile Word Spelling Video Game With No App Download (2024)


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