Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (2024)

Rainbow Six Siege was released on Dec. 2015. Since then, the game's operator pool has been expanded to 68 operators. By the end of Year 8, Rainbow Six Siege will have 70 different characters.

Remembering the abilities of 70 different names is a challenge for anyone, especially for new players. Those who enjoy the Rainbow Six Siege experience for the first time will struggle.

Nevertheless, the circle can be stretched. While each operator's ability brings something different to the game, most of Rainbow Six Siege's operators don't get much playtime, as they are considered to be off-meta.

That's exactly what we have tried to do in this article — stretching the circle.

We have created our Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List to give you a hand at understanding what are the best operators in the game. Who makes a difference in Rainbow Six Siege? Who can be ignored? Who is the best operator in Rainbow Six Siege?

These questions will be answered in the following lines, so keepreading!

Rainbow Six Siege - Operator Tier List

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (1)

We have divided Rainbow Six Siege's 68 operators into six categories: Top Tier, Must Have, Great, Good, Situational, and Awful.

Keep in mind that we also have individual tier lists for attackers and defenders.

Top Tier

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (2)

Iana - Iana is arguably the best attacker in Rainbow Six Siege. Her loadout, her holograms, and her two fragmentation grenades make the Dutch operator one of the strongest operators.

Mira - Mira's arrival at Rainbow Six Siege in Operation Velvet Shell revolutionized the game. Although her gadget has recently been nerfed, she's still at the top of the list.

Smoke - Smoke's gadget allows the defenders to cover an area with toxic gas for up to 30 seconds. His loadout is also perfect to create rotations and new angles of sight. He's the perfect anchor.

Thermite - Thermite was the first hard breacher released to Rainbow Six Siege. He can open up to two reinforced walls or hatches, an ability that can be maximized with his two smoke grenades. Thermite is the best support.

Jäger - Jäger's ADSs are very important as they will burn any throwable utility from the attackers. His loadout is also very strong. Moreover, Jäger has been the most iconic roamer in Rainbow Six Siege for years. We are sure you know about him!

Azami - Azami's concept is unique. She is the defenders' only counter to vertical plays besides C4s. Her ability can also prevent attackers from entering the site in the final seconds of the round. She's very useful to hold positions, especially if she's combined with Jäger.

Valkyrie - Valkyrie's three cameras are a game changer. Although they can't be placed outside the building, the cameras can be combined with C4s to get very easy kills while also getting very valuable information.

Must Have

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (3)

Ash - Ash's explosive charges are extremely useful when playing against lineups with a lot of bulletproof utility, including Deployable Shields, Maestro Cameras, and more.

In terms of weapons, Ash has some of the best in the game, which makes her one of the best entry fraggers in Rainbow Six Siege.

Alibi - Alibi recently dropped from Top Tier to Must Have after losing her Deployable Shield. Nevertheless, her loadout is very aggressive, which makes her a very valuable roamer.

Solis - Solis' ability allows her to detect any attacking device powered by electricity, including drones and gadgets. Solis' time to shine is the preparation phase, where she can spot and destroy the drones that the attackers usually place in tricky spots to get information.

Kapkan - Kapkan's traps are the most iconic in Rainbow Six Siege. It forces the attackers to be very careful when playing in the building. His loadout is also very good, as it includes fragmentation grenades and a C4.

Ace - Ace's loadout is possibly one of the best on the attacking side. Moreover, his gadget is perfect when having to deal with reinforced walls from a safe distance.

Bandit - Bandit's batteries allow him to electrify up to four walls. Players use the German operator to do the Bandit Trick. If performed properly, the defenders will stop the attackers from opening a very important wall.

Kaid - Kaid is more versatile than Bandit, as he can place his Electroclaw in hidden spots. It can also be used to electrify reinforced hatches.

Hibana - Hibana was the second hard breacher released to Rainbow Six Siege. She can play with her X-KAIROS to release two, four, or six at a time. She is the best at opening reinforced walls. Moreover, countless tricks help her to open full walls very easily!

Castle - Castle's barricades can't be opened easily, as they require 11 melee hits. This means the attackers must decide between wasting time hitting the barricade or wasting explosives. Believe us, both are very valuable!

Nokk - Nokk can make herself invisible to cameras. Although her loadout isn't the best for long-distance gunfights, Nokk's ability and her two fragmentation grenades make the Danish operator one of the best to sneak in and surprise the defenders.

Thatcher - Although Thatcher could be in the Top Tier section, we decided to put him in Must Have due to the existence of the Impact EMPs and the high ban ratio he usually faces.


Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (4)

Sledge - Sledge's speed change has made him not so viable for some players. However, his sledge hammer is as strong as always. Moreover, he has access to two fragmentation grenades. He's still great to use!

Mute - Mute is a great option if you want to stop attackers from droning certain rooms. He can also be used to jam walls, an ability that comes in handy if you don't want to use Bandit or Kaid. His loadout is also a big plus!

Maestro - Maestro's cameras can be a great asset to any defensive lineup. These can destroy any kind of attacking device, including hard breaching charges and drones. Moreover, his cameras are bulletproof, and he has an LMG with magazines of over 80 bullets.

Goyo - Goyo's Volcán canisters explode when an operator shoots them. These cover a certain area with fire for 20 seconds. With four Volcán canisters, Goyo is a great anchor. He also has guns that make him a great operator in short and mid-distance gunfights.

Echo - Echo is an anchor in Rainbow Six Siege. He has two Yokai Drones, devices that can be used to gather information and cancel planting animations. His primary weapon has an x1.5 scope, so he's a good option in long-distance gunfights.

Dokkaebi - Dokkaebi's gadget is great not just to get information but also to cancel the defenders' information. Although her loadout isn't the greatest, her Impact EMPs make Dokkaebi a great option to combine it with Thermite. She's a great support and roamer cleaner, use it wisely!

Zofia - Zofia's projectiles are great to open soft surfaces, including walls, floors, and ceilings. Her stun grenades are also good to spot defenders. Although her LMG has recently been nerfed, her loadout is still very decent.

Nomad - Nomad's Air Jabs are a great alternative to Claymores. They prevent the defenders from running and jumping out. They can also be used to stop the defenders from flanking the attackers. Moreover, Nomad's loadout is quite good. She's always a great option!

Melusi - Melusi's device is great to slow the attackers down. Her loadout is also very strong, especially for a roamer. However, her most recent nerf saw her speed going down to just one point, which has affected her pick rate.

Ying - Ying's Candelas are part of any kind of rush. Her device, which can be timed or "cooked" like a grenade, can flash everyone. If that wasn't enough, Ying's primary weapon is an LMG with 80 bullets per magazine and it can be reloaded very quickly.

Buck - Buck's Skeleton Key, a shotgun attached to his primary weapon, is one of the most aggressive gadgets. It is used to play vertically in maps full of soft surfaces, like Clubhouse, Kafe, or Oregon.

Osa - Osa can use her shields on key positions and windows to cover big areas. She is a great operator to have in post-plant situations. On top of that, she can bring Impact EMPs, which makes her a great partner for Thermite, Hibana, and Ace.

Frost - Frost's traps force the attackers to look down when vaulting into the building. Placing Frost traps on key floors is a nightmare to the enemies. Moreover, she has access to a shotgun as a secondary weapon, which makes her great to create rotations.

Brava - Although Brava was introduced to Rainbow Six Siege with Operation Commanding Force, she has already proved her value countless times. Her drones can gather a lot of information. Moreover, she can hack any defender gadget, including traps and cameras.

Jackal - Jackal's ability allows him to track defenders, spotting them on the map. Her loadout is very strong as well. He has two smoke grenades, which make him a good option when trying to plant the defuser.

Lion - When Lion was released to Rainbow Six Siege he was a nightmare to any defender. Now, after a great number of nerfs, Lion is just another player. However, his loadout is still very good, and his ability is key to stopping the defenders from roaming freely around the map.

Lesion - Lesion's ability is very useful to slow down or even prevent the attackers from starting the planting animation. His mines can also deliver some damage. Lesion's loadout is also very strong, as it includes two impact grenades and a very powerful first option weapon.

Wamai - Wamai's gadget is a great alternative if Jäger is banned. Moreover, his loadout is also very solid, especially to play as a flex or even as an anchor. Don't play Wamai as a roamer!

Aruni - Aruni's gates are a very important device as these can prevent the attackers from using certain doors or walls. This device can't be destroyed and it can only be stopped for 30 seconds by throwing a piece of utility to it. Unfortunately, Aruni's loadout is quite weak and, due to some recent nerfs, Aruni is now a one speed operator.

Mozzie - Mozzie's gadget can be used to hack attacking drones. It's very useful to stop the attackers from droning and gathering information. It can be combined with Mute's gadget. However, Mozzie's loadout is quite poor, despite having a C4.

Twitch - Twitch's drones can destroy any kind of defensive gadget, including default cameras and Bandit batteries. However, it's difficult to control her primary weapon, the F2.


Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (6)

Flores - Flores' special drones are explosive gadgets that can be used to destroy any kind of bulletproof device. These can also be used to gather information. He's possibly the best operator in the Good tier.

Pulse - Pulse's Cardiac Sensor is a great piece of utility, especially on maps that have lots of soft floors. You can combine his gadget with his C4. However, his loadout is quite limited.

Ela - Ela's Scorpion is very difficult to manage, but her shotgun is arguably the best in the game. If you combine it with her mines, you can get some easy kills.

IQ - IQ's loadout is very limited, but her gadget is very useful to understand how the defenders are organized. Her special device can detect any electronic device in a 20 meter radius, including the position of Bombs!

Grim - Grim's buff released with Operation Dread Factor has helped the Singaporean operator, who's now way better compared to when he was introduced to the game with Operation Brutal Swarm. His loadout allows him to play vertically and his gadget lets him catch the roamers off guard.

Capitao - Capitao's Smoke and Fire arrows are very useful for planting and post-planting situations. His loadout and his Claymores are also very strong. He's a very good operator to use as a wildcard.

Oryx - Oryx's ability allows him to climb up hatches. He can also use his ability to destroy walls or to run out more efficiently. His dash is strong enough to knock down an opponent. His loadout is very strong; unfortunately, Ubisoft recently removed the x1.5 scope for his primary weapon.

Fenrir- Fenrir was released to Rainbow Six Siege with Operation Dread Factor, so it's difficult to place him now on a tier list. However, his gadget is bulletproof when it's deactivated, so it makes it difficult to be destroyed. His loadout includes the Bailiff 410, so it's easy to open rotations with him.

Finka - Finka isn't as she used to be, nevertheless, she's still quite strong. Her loadout is very aggressive and her gadget can help her teammates from any distance. She's really good!

Maverick - Maverick is a unique hard breacher operator in Rainbow Six Siege. Unlike Ace, Thermite, and Hibana, Maverick's gadget doesn't stick to the wall. His gadget allows him to open walls with his fire torch. He's very practical and his loadout is rock-solid.

Vigil - Vigil's loadout is arguaby the best a roamer could have. He has two impact grenades, and two very good guns. However, his ability is only for himself and can't be shared with his teammates.

Gridlock - Gridlock's gadget is very useful to prevent the attackers from flanking or roaming around the map. Her loadout also includes a shotgun as a secondary weapon. However, not many players use her due to the Australian being a one-speed operator.

Rook - Although Rook's armour is very useful, his ability is very limited. Rook is usually used in a very aggressive way, as many people spawn peek with his MP5. Other than that, the French operator is quite limited.

Zero - Zero's cameras can be used to destroy defender gadgets. Moreover, these can also gather a lot of information. His loadout is quite strong as well. He is very good when attacking sites with a great number of hatches.

Doc - Although Doc is in a very good position right now, he used to not be so good in the past. His Bailiff 410 allows him to open rotations. Moreover, his MP5 is very strong at holding positions from a long distance.

Thunderbird - Thunderbird's healing stations are very useful as they can be used anytime after being placed on the floor. Although her loadout isn't the best in the game, her impact grenades are very useful for destruction tasks.

Thorn - Thorn's traps are very easy to hide in key spots, which can make it difficult for attackers to get in the site. Her loadout, which includes a Deployable Shield, can become even more valuable after Ela and Smoke lost theirs.

Sens - Although Sens isn't used much in Rainbow Six Siege, this operator's loadout is very strong. Moreover, Sens' ability allows they to push the site. Moreover, i's very easy to combine Sens with Glaz!


Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (7)

Amaru - Amaru is a great operator to use when you are playing with a five-member stack. If you all coordinate yourself to rush the site at the same time, Amaru's gadget and flashing grenades come in handy.

However, her gadget is very loud. If you are playing SoloQ, trying to use her gadget is mostly followed by an Amaru death early in the round.

Blitz - Just like Amaru, a well-coordinated rush to the site with Blitz makes a lot of sense... but playing Blitz alone doesn't. He's very loud and although he can be a demon in close-distance gunfights, traps, impact grenades, shotguns, and even Warden can counter the German operator.

Glaz - Glaz's ability is unique in the game as he can see defenders through smoke clouds. He's very good when playing sites that require someone to play from a long distance. He also has access to smoke or fragmentation grenades.

Fuze - Fuze's gadget can be deployed on reinforced and soft surfaces. It releases a handful of mines that explode. Although it's mostly used to destroy devices, his mines can also be used to kill.

Kali - Kali is an alternative to Thatcher, but she can only bring a scope to the battlefield as a primary weapon. This pushes the majority of players to go for operators with Impact EMPs instead of using her. However, she's great for long-distance gunfights.

Montagne - Montagne's shield allows him to be used as a drone. He can provide his teammates with a lot of information about the location of the defenders. However, this requires a lot of coordination and team play. Are you up for the challenge?

Warden - Warden's special glasses allow him to see through the smoke clouds. They also make him invulnerable to flashes. We advise you to bring him to the battlefield if you expect the attackers to bring smoke grenades and operators like Blitz or Ying.

Tachanka - Tachanka's gadget can throw fire projectiles, which cover the area with fire. These will block the attackers from pushing an entry point. It's the combination of Smoke and Goyo.


Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (8)

Blackbeard - Blacbkeard's ability is a glass shield that is placed on top of his weapon. It allows him to survive to one headshot, which is not enough in the current meta. His loadout is also insufficient.

Clash - While Clash is very useful when properly placed, the truth is that nobody plays her as someone would expect it. She's very slow and she can only bring one fire gun.

Caveira - Caveira can change the course of one round, but she's a very selfish operator. Players hardly get interrogations by her.

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List (2024)


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