SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (2024)


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SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (13)

SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (14)DiegoRamirez92


Posted: ‎2022-06-0907:08 AM




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Posted: ‎2022-06-0907:08 AM

SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error"

Hello, apologize me for my english but i'm not speak very well,

I have a UPS Smart SRT 10 kVA 2019 and it have a "event code 182 button error" this error turn off the output.

For this error, i read that the solution is upgrade de firmware, and after this upgrade the UPS works ok.

My question is.... Exist a document that aproved the perfect works of UPS after this upgrade?

I hope understand my question.

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SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (15)

SMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (16)JonProSMART SRT 10 KVA "Button error" (17)


Posted: ‎2022-06-1610:09 PM



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Posted: ‎2022-06-1610:09 PM


I wasn't able to find any document that states that the UPS works perfectly after the upgrade and it also depends on what is causing the fault.

Aside from the firmware upgrade, if you can afford to have Video: How to perform a cold start and brain dead on Smart-UPSdowntime I would suggest doing a cold start and brain dead on your UPS.


I suggest that you raise a support ticket to the SE team that handles your country so that they can assist you better especially if there is a need to replace the UPS.

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